“Harmonizing Mind and Body: Navigating the Intricate Dance of Apprehension Anxiety and Epigastric Pain”

______________________________________________________________________________________________ Written by Prof. Dr. Deepak Sharma BHMS, MD, Ph.D. (Scholar) Homeopathic Physician and Educator Founder – Orbit Clinics (World Class Homeopathic Clinics Worldwide) +91-9711153617 | responseds@gmail.com | wwww.orbitclinics.com ______________________________________________________________________________…

“Monsoon Maladies: Unraveling The Disease Landscape And The Promising Role Of Homeopathy”

Written by Dr. Deepak Sharma BHMS, MD, Ph.D. (Scholar) Homeopathic Physician and Educator Founder – Orbit Clinics (World Class Homeopathic Clinics Worldwide) +91-9711153617 | responseds@gmail.com | wwww.orbitclinics.com ______________________________________________________________________________ Abstract: This…